Here's the deal:
Reach Toothbrush or Floss, 30 yardsB1G1 Reach Toothbrush, any up to $3.99, RP 4/26-$3/3 Reach Floss and Reach Toothbrush and Listerine Antiseptic, SS 3/15-$1.50/2
Reach Floss and/or Reach Toothbrush and/or Listerine Antiseptic, SS 3/15-.50/1
Reach Floss or Toothbrush or Listerine, SS 3/15-.50/1
Reach Floss, any, SS 3/15-$1 off Reach Toothbrush, SS 6/14-$2 off
Reach Toothbrush, SS 6/14-$1 off
Reach Dental Floss, SS 6/14-$1.50/2
Any Reach products, printable (IE) or printable (FF)
Buy: (3) Reach Toothbrushes
Use: (1) B1G1 coupon
(2) -$2 off coupons
Total Due: $2
Get Back: $3 RR, you make $1 profit!
Once you buy them, you can give them to me and I'll get them to Peggy!!
Also, if you ever hear of anyone else in need, please pass it along and I will blog about it!!
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